EnrtaPASS Module with Audio Alert
EnrtaPASS Module with Audio Alert
• Meets all code requirements
• Nuisance and release time set with precise dip switches
• Supplied alone or in an enclosure mounted with sonalert
• 12 or 24 VDC (voltage specific)
• Variety of functions including (BYPASS, FREE
Architectural Specifications
A. The logic timer shall be produced by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer.
B. The timer shall be housed in a locking metal enclosure incorporating a Sonalert.
C. It shall be suitable for surface mounting above the door.
D. The timer shall operate on 12VDC (24 VDC) and fully comply with the NFPA Life Safety code, BOCA, UBC, SBC and National Building Code of Canada in regards to special locking arrangements.
E. The timer shall have multiple inputs and outputs for a variety of functions
(Bypass, Free Egress, Camera Call-up, and Remote Alarm).
F. A door label with 1” blue vinyl letters on a single backing shall be provided for use on any door type. The message shall read “Push on a door until alarm sounds, a door can be opened in (15) (30) seconds”.