Boom Options
Boom Options: Expansion Set VarioBoom (Pro only)
Complete Articulated Booms
Controller Options Plug-in Modules: 2-channel loop detector
Controller Options Plug-in Modules: Ethernet (Pro)
Controller Options Plug-in Modules: Radio receiver module 433 MHz
Controller Options Plug-in Modules: RS485 (Pro)
Embedded Turnstile BarCode Scanner
EntraPass Push Button Station w/ cover
Entry Pass - 5000 User Stand Alone IO Prox Reader and Keypad
ePASS Photo Id Complete System
HID 1586 ISOProx II PVC-PET Cards
HID Prox Wireless Reader Wireless Reader
Holographic Overlay
Infra Red Exit - Hands free AV-T-REXLT2
IoProx Readers with Keypad Option
Light Options: Housing Hood Lights
Magnetic Stripe POL-2 w/Keypad
MicroBoom for Swing Away Flange